Kids & Chiropractic

Children Are Our Future and their future is in their spines!

Newborns and infants should be checked as soon after birth as possible, so they can start life free of all nerve pressure and hopefully never know the disease their parents have known. As children learn to walk and run, they fall and can suffer sprains and strains or cause spinal misalignments.

Generally speaking, children respond so much faster to chiropractic than grown ups do.”

As the child grows older and more active, his or her body may receive more stress in a single day than most adults experience in a year! Bumps, jumps, twists, falls, etc., constantly subject that growing spine to potentially serious injury. All too often these injuries go unnoticed and untreated.

Periodic checks by your doctor of chiropractic can identify such problems, detect developing weaknesses and direct a gentle course of treatment. “Periodic checks by your doctor of chiropractic can identify potential problems, detect developing weaknesses and direct a gentle course of treatment.